It’s true that dogs need a little spa treatment from time to time. Our groomers are a cut above! They are experienced in all breeds and all clip styes, and we know your dog will look and smell marvelous! Our groomers are all AKC S.A.F.E certified and are committed to creating a safe and comfortable environment for your dog.
Full-service grooming includes a bath, brush out, nails clipped, ears cleaned, hair cut for some, blow dry and a stylish bandana. Our grooming rates vary based on breed, coat type, and coat condition. Give us a call to schedule your appointment today: 603-457-8075.
*Appointments are recommended for these services
While many of these services are included as part of a full-service groom, sometimes your pup might need a little neatening up in between appointments. We offer all the above services with an appointment, Monday through Saturday from 10:00 am – 11:00 am.
Please Note: Nail Trims, Ear Cleaning & Coat Trims are included in all Full Service Grooming Appointments.
It’s fun to wash the dog, but it’s not so fun to clean up the mess. The next time your dog needs a bath, try our self-serve dog wash. It’s equipped with everything you need for a clean pooch, plus we’ll take care of the cleanup. Stop in anytime, no appointment necessary.
Self-Serve Hours
Self-Serve Rates
Bath and Brush | Small Dog: $30.5
Bath and Brush | Medium Dog: $43.00
Bath and Brush | Large Dog: $51.00
Bath and Brush | Extra Large Dog: $66.5
Full Groom | Small Dog: $57.5
Full Groom | Medium Dog: $75.00
Full Groom | Large Dog: $86.00
Full Groom | Extra Large Dog: $132.00
base rates, pricing is subject to change
It is important to know that for safety reasons, we remove all collars from each dog that attends services here at K9 Kaos including all flea & tick collars. With that in mind, our staff are exposed to dozens and dozens of flea & tick collars multiple times throughout each day. Since the volume of these collars has grown, we are now asking you to please remove all flea & tick collars from your dog before they arrive at K9 Kaos. In addition to eliminating chemical exposure for our staff, we also appreciate that these collars are expensive, so it is best that they stay safely at home. K9 Kaos cannot be responsible for the loss of any collar, we do our best to not lose anything, but unfortunately it does happen from time to time.